All Lectures

Seminar Lab Date Seminar Lab Subject Seminar Lab presenter
2022-04-11 *Tri-State Zinc-Lead District Cheryl M. Seeger, R.G., Ph.D., Missouri Geological Survey
2022-03-28 Exploring the Various Georgia Geological Provinces Reba Brumbeloe, Interpretive Ranger, Georgia DNR
2022-03-14 *42nd Anniversary of Mt St. Helens Sheila Alfsen, M.A., Adjunct Professor of Geology, Portland State University
2022-02-28 *Young Canyon, Old Rocks: a Journey Through the Geological History of the Grand Canyon Steven Semken, Ph.D., Professor, School Of Earth and Space Exploration, Arizona State University
2022-02-14 *Life Cycle/Circular Economy Concepts: Potential application to MN's Mineral Resources George Hudak, Ph.D., Minerals and Metallurgy Research Group Manager, Natural Resources Research Institute
2022-01-31 *Nevada: America’s True Golden State John Muntean, Ph.D., Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology
2021-12-13 *Constructing Oregon Sheila Alfsen, M.A., Adjunct Professor of Geology, Portland State University
2021-11-29 *A Brief Overview of Black Hills Geology AND Gold and the Black Hills Mark Fahrenbach, Ph.D., CPG, Environmental Scientist III, South Dakota Geological Survey
2021-11-15 *A Billion Years of Early Earth History: Perspectives from Minnesota's Nearest (Canadian) Neighbor Ben M. Frieman, Ph.D., Laurentian University, Sudbury Ontario, Mineral Exploration Research Centre
2021-11-01 *Geology of North Carolina Dr. Kenneth B. Taylor, Ph.D., P.G., State Geologist, North Carolina Geological Survey
2021-10-18 *A Brief Geologic History of Colorado Lon Abbott, Ph.D., Teaching Professor, Dept. of Geological Sciences, University of Colorado
2021-10-04 *Earthquake Science and Impacts of a Major Earthquake on the New Madrid Seismic Zone Larry “Boot” Pierce, M.Sc., Chief, Geologic Resources Section, Missouri Geological Survey
2021-09-20 Geology of Minnehaha Falls Park Randy Strobel, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of Natural Sciences, Metropolitan State U.
2021-05-10 POSTPONED: Minnesota Underground: A Guide Book to Exploring the Minnesota Underworld Greg Brick, Ph.D., MN Department of Natural Resources
2021-04-26 *How Modern Geochronology is Transforming Our Understanding of Geological Rates: An Example from Alaska Cameron Davidson, Ph.D., Charles L. Denison Professor of Geology, Carleton College
2021-04-12 *Geo 3M: Mountains, Melting, and Metamorphism Donna Whitney, Ph.D., Professor, Earth and Environmental Sciences, U. of MN
2021-03-29 Lake Superior Agate Origins, Classification and Prospecting Jim Magnuson, Author, Owner of Minnesota Rocks
2021-03-15 Craton to Coast: National Park Paleontology from the Grand Canyon to the Channel Islands Justin Tweet, M.Sc., Associate, Geologic Resources Division of the National Park Service
2021-03-01 Investigation and cleanup of the former Ford Plant in St. Paul Amy Hadiaris, M.Sc., Supervisor, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
2021-02-15 The Dawn of the Dinosaurs: The Unlikely (& Very Lucky) Triumph of Dinosaurs Kristi Curry Rogers, Ph.D., Professor, Vertebrate Paleobiology Dept., Macalester College
2021-02-01 *Glaciation and the Great Lakes, an Epoch in the Making Andrew Breckenridge, Ph.D., Geology Professor, Natural Sciences Dept., U. of Wisconsin Superior
2020-12-14 *The Glacial History of Iowa Phillip Kerr, M.Sc., Geologist, Iowa Geological Survey
2020-11-30 *Mesozoic Vertebrates of Antarctica Peter Makovicky, Ph.D., Professor, Earth and Environmental Sciences, U. of MN
2020-11-16 *Minnesota’s Geologist: The Life of Newton Horace Winchell Sue Leaf, Ph.D., Author
2020-11-02 *Geological and Tectonic Evolution of the Transantarctic Mountains, from Ancient Craton to Recent Enigma John Goodge, Ph.D., Professor, Earth and Environmental Sciences, UMD
2020-10-19 Neotectonic Fault Reactivation and Landscape Rejuvenation on Norway’s Post-glacial Margin Jeni McDermott, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Geology Dept., Univ. of St. Thomas
2020-10-05 *Minerals are the Future Brian Lentz, B.Sc., Vice-President, Big Rock Exploration
2020-09-21 *How Ancient Iron-Rich Rocks Tell the Story of Minnesota’s Oceans Latisha Brengman, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Earth and Environmental Sciences, UMD
2020-04-27 CANCELLED: Craton to Coast: National Park Paleontology from the Grand Canyon to the Channel Islands Justin Tweet, M.Sc., Geologic Resources Div., National Park Service
2020-04-13 CANCELLED: Minerals and Microbes and Mining...Oh My! Cara M. Santelli, Ph.D., Assistant Prof., Earth and Environmental Sciences, U. of MN
2020-03-30 CANCELLED: Minerals Are the Future: Why the Green Energy Economy Will Create More Mining Brian Lentz, B.Sc., Vice-President, Big Rock Exploration, LLC
2020-03-16 CANCELLED: Neotectonic Fault Reactivation and Landscape Rejuvenation on Norway’s Post-Glacial Rifted Margin Jeni McDermott, Ph.D., Assistant Prof., U of St. Thomas
2020-03-02 Crossing a Continent: Detrital Zircon Evidence for Mississippian (ca. 330 Ma) Sediment Transport from the Appalachian Mountains to the Grand Canyon and Beyond Alan Chapman, Ph.D., Assistant Prof. of Geology, Macalester College
2020-02-17 Building Australia, the Geology Down Under Christian Teyssier, Ph.D., Prof. and George & Orpha Gibson Chair of Geoscience, U. of MN
2020-02-08 Saturday Laboratory: An Exploration of the Minerology and Geochemistry of Gemstones Conducted by Jeff Thole, M.Sc., Macalester College.
2020-02-03 Geological Mapping Of Our World – How It Works in the Current Era Harvey Thorleifson, D.Sc., Director of the Minnesota Geological Survey, State Geologist
2019-12-09 History of the USGS - From John Wesley Powell to Streamgaging James Fallon; M.Sc., Supervisory Hydrologist, USGS
2019-12-09 USGS Flood Inundation Mapping Program Julia Prokopec, B.Sc., Hydrologist, USGS
2019-11-25 The Midcontinent Rift System - Almost an Ocean Laurel Woodruff, Ph.D., USGS Eastern Minerals & Environmental Resources
2019-11-11 Natural Archives from Shallow Lakes, Wetlands, and Springs of the Great Basin Show Evidence of Extended Periods of Drought over the Past 6000 Years Kevin Theissen, Ph.D., Environmental Science, U. of St. Thomas
2019-10-28 Reptilian Giants of South America after the End Cretaceous Mass Extinction Alex Hastings, Ph.D., Fitzpatrick Chair of Paleontology, Science Museum of MN
2019-10-14 What Causes Color In Minerals, and Why It Is Important
2019-09-30 Introduction to Alberta Oil Sands Mine Tailings: Management, Regulation, and Research Ben Sheets, Ph.D., Senior Geologist, Barr Engineering
2019-09-16 The Geology of the Bakken Formation, North Dakota Randy Strobel, Ph.D., Associate Prof., Metro State U.
2019-04-08 Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is? To a Geologist, It Depends on When You Start the Clock Karl Wirth, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Macalester College
2019-03-11 Geology of the Minnesota Arrowhead Mark Jirsa, M.Sc., Minnesota Geological Survey
2019-01-28 The Nitrate Contamination Problem in Southeastern Minnesota: The Importance of Geologic Controls Tony Runkel, Ph.D., Chief Geologist, Minnesota Geological Survey
2018-11-26 Getting to the Core: Understanding Past Climate, Human Impacts, and Geological Processes using Lake Sediment Core Samples Amy Myrbo, Ph.D., Research Associate, Continental Scientific Drilling Coordination Office, University of Minnesota
2018-10-01 The Flambeau Mine, Ladysmith, Wisconsin: Geology, Minerals, Reclamation William Cordua, Ph.D., Prof. Emeritus, University of Wisconsin River Falls
2018-09-17 Caves of Minnesota Greg Brick, Ph.D., Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
