Seminar Lab Date:
Seminar Lab presenter:
Seminar Lab Subject:
Seminar Lab Location :
Virtual lecture 7:00 PM CT (Note: This lecture was only available for live viewing. It was not recorded.)
Seminar Lab Details:
Minnehaha Falls is the geological crown jewel of Minneapolis Parks. This talk will cover the geological and human history of the park. It will provide background for walking tours of the park later this fall.
The geological story of the park is in two acts. The first is the Ordovician, about 450 million years ago. The St. Peter Sandstone, Glenwood Shale, and Platteville Limestone are all exposed in the park. All were deposited into the epicontinental seas that flooded this part of Minnesota at the time.
The second act occurred about 10,000 years ago. The lower glen of Minnehaha Creek was carved by St. Anthony Falls, and the upper glen by Minnehaha Falls.
Minnehaha Falls Park was established in 1883 as part of the Grand Rounds of Minneapolis Parks. The talk will include an overview of its history.
Randy Strobel has been a member of the Geological Society of Minnesota for 12 years, and has presented multiple times for the GSM. He enjoys organizing field trips for the GSM, both locally and to faraway places. He is a Professor Emeritus of Natural Sciences at Metropolitan State University in St. Paul.