The Mystery of Matter: Search for the Elements [1]
Video Title:
The Mystery of Matter: Search for the Elements
Length (min):
Year Created:
Description and/or Review:
MEMBER REVIEW: Highly recommended. I found this series truly fascinating. It really brought out the personalities of the discoverers and drama
behind their quests. DESCRIPTION: This is an exciting PBS series about one of the great adventures in the history of science: the long (and
continuing) quest to understand what the world is made of - to identify, understand and organize the basic building blocks of matter. Episodes
introduce viewers to some of history's most extraordinary scientists: Joseph Priestley and Antoine Lavoisier, whose discovery of oxygen - and
radical interpretation of it - led to the modern science of chemistry; Humphry Davy, who made electricity a powerful new tool in the search for
elements; Dmitri Mendeleev, whose Periodic Table brought order to the growing gaggle of elements; Marie Curie, whose groundbreaking research on
radioactivity cracked open a window into the atom; Harry Moseley, whose discovery of atomic number redefined the Periodic Table; and Glenn Seaborg,
whose discovery of plutonium opened up a whole new realm of elements, still being explored today. This DVD shows us not only what these scientific
explorers discovered but also how, using Broadway-caliber actors to reveal the creative process through the scientists' own words, and conveying
their landmark discoveries through re-enactments shot with working replicas of their original lab equipment. Knitting these strands together into a
coherent, entertaining whole is host Michael Emerson, a two-time Emmy Award-winning actor.