Deadliest Earthquakes: Haita & Chile



Video Title: 

Deadliest Earthquakes: Haita & Chile





Length (min): 


Year Created: 


Description and/or Review: 

In 2010, epic earthquakes all over the planet delivered one of the worst annual death tolls ever recorded. The deadliest strike was in Haiti, where a quake just southwest of the capital, Port-au-Prince, killed more than 200,000, reducing homes, hospitals, schools, and the presidential palace to rubble. But barely a month later, Chile was struck by a quake 100 times more powerful, unleashing a tsunami that put the entire Pacific coast on high alert. NOVA follows a team of U.S. geologists, capturing exclusive footage as they enter Haiti in the immediate aftermath of the tragedy; then NOVA visits a coastal town devastated by the Chilean tsunami, where geologists battle aftershocks to measure the displacement caused by the earthquake. Could their work, and the work of geologists at earthquake hot-spots around the U.S., one day lead to a breakthrough in predicting quakes before they happen? It is a race against time in the hunt for crucial evidence that will help determine exactly what is happening deep underground--and what the risks are of a new killer quake. This DVD features subtitles in English (SDH) This program contains mature content, including graphic imagery that may not be appropriate for more sensitive viewers. Viewer discretion is advised.
